IVF for women over 50: pros and cons
In Ukraine, the topical issue of acceptable maximum age of women who want use in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure came up. After the case, when 66-year-old Swiss woman used IVF procedure in Ukraine, and gave birth to twins media war broke out in the world community. According to the Ukrainian law, it is absolutely legal to use assisted methods of reproductive medicine (such as egg donation and surrogacy).
Because of this, a great number of infertile foreigners come to Ukraine, as in most European countries this sphere is not open enough. In addition, Ukraine has no age limit for the carrying out of such programs. Because of this, the country has become a Mecca for aged Europeans. High level of reproductive technologies, comparatively low prices and loyalty legislation contribute a lot to the medical tourism in Ukraine.
French legislation, for example, prohibits surrogacy, in Norway and Sweden, use of donor eggs is punishable by law and the German „Act on the Protection of embryos” in general prohibits the transfer of genetically foreign embryos. And all fine and dandy, but 66-year-old mother from Switzerland caused fierce debate in the community. Many experts argue that a woman should not only give birth, but also to raise a child. How could she do this fine, if she is, I’m sorry, Grandma!
A number of such cases have pushed people’s deputies of Ukraine to amend a bill on reproductive technologies and limit the age of women, who will be available for in vitro fertilization, up to 51 years. Ukrainian doctors, in order, assure that these changes will stop the positive development of new technologies, and make thousands of infertile women unhappy. The ex-President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, did not support the proposed law, explaining his decision in such way: “proposed consideration of the draft law is not full enough”. Thus, the age of the woman for the in vitro fertilization program remains unlimited in Ukraine.
Many NGO representatives complain that crowds of women over 50 leave Ukraine with their newborn babies. This is not normal! Thus, for example, Kyiv clinic BioTexCom, one of the leaders in the field of reproductive medicine, annually helps about 200 women over the age of 50 years to have a baby out of the tube. But after the incident with a Swiss woman, authorities threatened clinic direction to deny a license, claiming that its work is immoral: aged clients participant in IVF programs, embryo reduction, etc.
Yes, all these can be seen in clinic, but due to these, as a result, children are born perfectly healthy, even in the most hopeless cases. Maybe society just needs to look at the situation from the other side. In Europe, there is a common style of life firstly to get a decent education, profession, earn capital, to enjoy your life and only then give birth to successors.
But we must be in mind that female body, after 51 years can not do this without the help of assisted reproductive techniques. And it is a great fortune that today they have been existing and successfully developing. Such technologies help a lot of desperate couples go through the happiness of fatherhood and motherhood.
Community just needs to look at this issue from the other side and slant on the question more modern, considering all trends of the 21st century. Also do not forget the fact that if woman decides to take such a step, it means that she has a serious reason for it and it would be better to consider the state of her health, financial situation and other factors in each individual case, but not her age.
Why, for example, a weak half of humanity must work for the country’s benefit (meaning the retirement age), but have no right to give birth? In a word, the issue of reproductive medicine, as all others, has both pros and cons. But let’s not forget the fact that humanity is evolving and the world changes over time. And it is important to take into account these changes.